Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Story...

I went in for my procedure last Tuesday. I got all checked in... said bye to my mumsy and headed into the "room". Changed into the sexy gown, made sure to hold it shut so the world wouldn't see my bum as they did when I was in the hospital ten years ago... but that's another story. :) I got the IV in and laid down on the hospital bed as they prepped for the procedure. I was going to be consciously sedated during the procedure. They started the meds and got working. I was having an ERCP. They go down the throat with a camera and then pull out the gall stone. Well, apparently they did not keep my meds high enough because 10 minutes into it I was way more conscious than sedated! I started to sit up, felt all the appliances in my throat started freaking out saying "UUUUNNNGGGHH" or something like that since my throat was clogged with tools. They said, "We're almost done, we're almost done!" and upped my meds and I was back out. OMG... traumatizing. I was happy to wake up and see the doctor. He said, "It went well, but we couldn't find the stone." I'm sorry, "What?" I went through all that FOR NOTHING??? He's like, "Maybe you passed it." Oh, so you don't even know? Wow...

So, after all that they still know very little. My side still hurts sporadically and I get to pay the bill for an unnecessary procedure. FABULOUS. But seriously, I am glad I am okay and all went well. It was just a really random few days. Here is what it probably looked like on my insides. Enjoy the nastiness below. :)

1 comment:

Kami Satterlee said...

oh friend, I'm so sorry that is NOT okay. You made my legs ache just thinking about waking up ugh.