Anyways, I am pretty sure I always choose Mexican restaurants b/c if the date sucks, I at least get a good meal. Tonight was no different. The food was great. Chipotle salmon tacos! Yum. Now, if I am talking about the food this much, you know the date wasn't so hot. :) He was very nice. But, he talked a lot about his love of guns (literally 30 minutes about all the different kinds of guns) and how crazy his ex wife was. I mean, yes, I asked if he shared custody of his kid, but still. Also, his parents have custody of his kid and he sees him on the weekends. Am I crazy? Or is that strange? Let me know if I am being too picky.
I was telling someone recently that I was all excited to go out with a new friend of mine b/c her boyfriend was bringing some friends. Come to find out they are all 24 and their idea of a night out STARTS with 5 shots! Wow - I haven't drank like that since I was, well, probably 24! :) And, that was probably the last year I did it! Maybe 25, but it's been a long time since I got really drunk! I drink my glass or two of wine and am happy! No need for more and when I work out I try not to drink b/c I don't need the calories. All this to say, what am I doing wrong? Anything? Do I just keep dating in hopes for Mr. Right? Am I being too picky? I don't even know if anyone reads this, but feel free to comment! I am really not trying to complain at all. My standards may be too high! I am open to hearing that! :) It is true that I hate dating. I just want to get to that comfortable, hang out in your sweats stage and then every once and a while get dolled up and go out on real "dates" together. I hate the whole nervous, What should we talk about? Is he going to kiss me? I hope not, I don't want him to! craziness. Anyways, I'm off to bed. Just got a text - he wants to hang out again. We'll see... In other news, I have another date on Friday, so maybe I will just blog about my dating life! :) At least if it sucks, maybe it will be entertaining to others?? :)
What I look like on the outside :)
How I feel about dating on the inside :)