Saturday, May 21, 2011

Post 100 - Update! :)

Wow... 100 posts! Who would have thought I had so much to say... hahaha... anyone who knows me knows I am never lacking in things to say! Surprised, I'm not already at 1000!

Here's what's up...

I'm still working out each morning, and - SHOCKER - I actually like it! The days I take off I am more tired and have a harder time concentrating at work. Crazy! I bought a cute new duffle bag to hold my morning life (makeup, flat iron, shampoo, conditioner, razor, etc...). I love it and it makes working out more fun.

Work sucks! And not in the usual way. Our office manager is sick again (don't smoke people!). Which means I have twice the workload. That and school have been a bit overwhelming. Plus, another one of my employees moved to another department. So, essentially, 3 of us are now doing the work of 5... I love small companies.

School is going alright. I actually understood stuff today better than the guy next to me and actually got to help him! (It's usually the other way around.) I felt so smart. :) And, like I was no longer a total mooch. Finals are over by June 12th I think. Yay for a break!

I got new tires for my car. I'm all ready for my road trip to my friend's wedding in Montana. My other good friend is getting married and I'm going to be a bridesmaid! Yay... I am really excited for her wedding, because I know it will be really fun. The reception is at the Crystal Ballroom for all you Boiseans who know where that is.

I miss having a life. Getting to read the books I like, hanging out with friends, etc. (The tire purchase has contributed to the lack of social life as well... why do they have to be so expensive???) But yay me for not using credit and slowly but surely paying off this debt. (Well, credit card debt... I'm racking up school debt by the day here, but I find that less stressful than credit card debt!)

Life is busy busy busy, but luckily the world didn't end so I can just keep on pursuing my goals! My current goals right now... Keep working out, finish school and pay off debt! Wish me luck!!!

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